The first day I came to Tehran I missed my home_city. I was in my land but it wasn’t my home. After couple of yeas Tehran became my other home-city….
I can recall how I felt in my trips to Tabriz or Zanjan or even Bandarabas, which have been technically part of my land, my home land. I couldn’t quite understand everybody there but after initial strange feelings faded away, I knew I am in my home land. Those trips helped me have a wider and more inclusive understanding of home-land.
Since I left Iran, I missed it like any one else…
I came to a place which wasn’t my born place, which at first view didn’t have any of the required criteria to ever being called home. But, I got to know people, different people and though we were different we could make connection…I have started feeling connected….feeling like being not in my home, not in my home cities or home land, but maybe a different kind of home. And believe it or not there are invisible strings that tie us together. For me the invisible strings define my home…
At first Esfahan was my inner understanding (not what we would learn in our geography classes) of homeland then Then Tehran was included and later on I could feel the whole country being my home-land.
After getting residence in U.S. I got to know other people from Asia and was surprised with the level of similarity among Asian cultures. It has been easy to connect to Asian people and I felt my land is Asia. Nowadays America, Europe and Africa are all added to my definition of home or homeland.
Am I confusing you? (This is one of my specialty, making everybody). Now imagine this, Imagine being in a strange planet all by yourself, horizon is new, textures, colors, smells…you feel, uncomfortable, nervous and even scared. Creatures around you look different, act different and you have no way of understanding them. Now imagine a human walking on his feet and comes toward you. You are not alone anymore…you can transfer many un-spoken words just with a smile, just looking at him or her….don’t you think he is from your Home-Land
And it may sound crazy but sometime I have the feeling that my homeland is the universe. I am a citizen of the universe.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
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بهاره جونم نوشته ات قشنگ بود ولی حسودیم شد به اینکه دیگه اینجا - ایران رو به اندازه قبل نمی خوای!! چه کنم حسودم دیگه... دوم اینکه وقتایی که یه چیزی می نویسی برو این سایت و پینگ کن تا من بفهمم که تو نوشتی و بیام سرت
شین جونم البته که ایران رو به اندازه قبل و حتی خیلی بیشتر دوست دارم. شاید نتونستم منظورمو درست بیان کنم.
میشه یه جورهایی تشبیهش کرد به مفهوم خانواده. وقتی مجردی خانواده
مادر,پدرو خواهر و برادرتن. وقتی ازدواج کردی یه سری جدید پدر, مادر و خواهر و برادر پیدامیکنی و مفهوهت خانواده گروه بدرگتری رو در بر میگره و
این نشون دهنده این نیست که پدر و مادرت رو کمتر دوست داری.
راستی برای پینگ کردن کدوم گزینه رو انتخاب کنن؟
مبارکا باشه بهاره عزیز.خوشحالم که وبلاگتو می خونم.خیلی زیبا می نویسی
بهاره جون برای پینگ کردن همه رو انتخاب کن!!! مالیات که نداره عزیزم ... قربونت
nice reading ur thoughts ...where r u?
مانا جان ممنون از کامنتت.
به نونوش من آمریکام.
aali bood bahareh jan....
well, in Mashhad though a large city now, it is almost common for people to find acquintances here and there ...
I am not really Noonoosh though , this is what i was called when i was little(when my parents wanted to spoil me) plus i dont leave in U.S, I'll be saying here only for a couple of months.....
I am from the Netherlands. When I left the area where I grew up for whole my life, it was only to a different city, Delft. It was an unfamiliar place, with an unknown smell, different sounds, and another color of light. In other words, it was more of a space, undefined. Place is a defined space, defined by physical objects, but moreover by the people you know, you relate to, like friends and family.
In Delft it took me a little while to get used to my new environment and thus to embed myself in this space and familiarize myself with the strangeness.
In that period of my life I knew a new journey lay ahead of me with someone else beside me. Both of us choose to dive into this unknown space and we are still trying to find our way.
My thoughts are often with my friends in the Netherlands, Shanghai, and Iran. My parents for that matter I miss the most, because they have defined my concept of place.
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