I am pissed off right now! I am reading an article on eradicating poverty and my dearest Lester Brown - after explaining the relationship between population growth and poverty- uses Iran as a successful example of stabilizing population after 1980s. He explains the family planning programs in Iran but what makes me unhappy is how he concludes this part of his argument. He writes: "If a country like Iran, with a strong tradition of Islamic fundamentalism, can move quickly toward population stability, other countries can too." (Plan B2.0, 2006)
I have problem with that 'Strong tradition' part. I thought we had all kinds of traditions for 2500 years before Isalam and after that I can't remember being fundamentalist until very recently. ouawhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!
Anyway, I am again fired off for a non-important issue.
I will be back soon to answer all the comments and write more!
Monday, March 03, 2008
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آقاقی سلطانی یک مثال خوبی میزنه: میگه تا حالل شده پیاز داغ بسوزونید ؟ بعد کلی حرص می خورین که اه چرا سوخت؟ اصلا تقصیر این بچه بود که اینقدر سر و صدا کرد؟ نه تقصیر این شوهرم بود که صبح که داشته از خونه میرفت بیرون با اون حرفش حالمو گرفت و ....موضوع ادامه داره- در صورتیکه همه ما می دانیم پیاز داغ سوخت چون شعله اش زیاد بود ولی شما به اندازه یک روز خودتون را از بین بردین( این یک مثال ساده است) گاهی یکه موضوع به همین سادگی روزها و روزها ذهن شما را درگیر میکنه.بهاره عزیزم بیا تو هم به جنبش ما بپیوند برای تعطیلی ذهن
منظورم از تعطیلی ذهن در واقع قدرت استفاده درست از ذهنه.وقتی که ذهنموک در اختیار خودمونه
ببخشید از این همه غلط املایی
That is bullshit .....I would have been pissed off If I were you .!!!
Mana jan thanks for the comment. I do agree with you. After I wrote the post, I left the house and while driving I wondered how I get immensely influenced with what I get from my surrounding. I typically experience this burst of emotions and my mind almost always intensifies the severity of the situation. I would love to join the controlling of the mind movement. :o)
By the way the whole fired off scenario I explained in this post is what I was refer to (in the me previous post) as my fire dragon characteristics. [Wink]
Have you guys noticed how my mind changes personalities when I write in different languages? The English speaking Bahareh is less funny and more serious and likes to be perceived as just and reasonable. The Farsi speaking one jokes more and is more fun and is not sure how she wants to be perceived.
noonosh jan, don't worry I am going to bring up this point in our group discussion tomorrow so 10 individuals will be enlightened with real past traditions of Iran. [:oD
سلام... اگه با جامعه ایران بهتر آشنا بشی می فهمی که جایی برای عصبانیت وجود نداره. واقعیت اینه که ایران یک کشور مسلمانه و واقعیت اینه که ایرانی ها منحصر به من و تو و بچه های محله مون نیستند. بلوچها کردها عربها دهاتیها ساکنین جنوب ایران... ساکنین شرق ایران... اینها همه به طور عجیبی مصداق strong tradition of Islamic fundamentalism هستند... سعی کن وقتی می گی ایران همه ایرانیها رو به خاطر بیاری و نه فقط جامعه محدودی که تو باهاشون سر و کار داری... اونوقت می بینی که هر چند شاید غم انگیز و مایوس کننده است تصویری که می بینی اما جایی هم برای عصبانیت نیست.
bahare joon, linke maghale ro ham bezar lotfan :)
For Anonymous: It is a copyright material and can't put it here. But I can e-mail it for you if you want.
2nd chapter titled as: "Eradicating poverty, stabilizing population" from "Plan B 2.0 Rescuing a Planet under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble" book
Dear Bahare , There are lots of stupids around the world... let's leave them for themseleves and don't bother ourselves.
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