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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Mahmood Ahmadinejad in SNL

SNL (Saturday Night Live) is a unique funny shows which is broad-casted live every Saturday night.
Check this out:
a short love song (SNL digital short) to Ahmadinejad with Maroon 5 singer (Adam Levine) SNL 29.9.07 show run Iran Andy Samberg.



Anonymous said...

ممکنه اجرا هنرمندانه باشه ولی, هر چیری که بوی به مسخره گرفتن ملیت و
مذهب رو بده برتی من خوشتیند نیست و حتی آراز دهنده هم هست...احمدی نژاد هر چه که باشه به مراتب شرافت مند تر از آقای بوش هست...
این هم اضافه کنم که طرفدار ایشان نیستم و او را شخص بی کفایتی میدانم.....

Anonymous said...

برای من خوشایند نیست............

مرضیه انگار غلط نوشتم! سخته فارسی نوشتن

Bahareh said...

Marzieh jan,
First of all it is okay that you didn't like it. I liked it, People can have different opinions and that is absolutely okay.
But here is my personal opinion. I didn't find it making fun of a religion or a nationality. (Though I am interested to know where did you get making fun of a religion part. Which part of the song they mention it?)
However it is definitely making fun of Ahmadinejad for a very clear reason that he gave the world that reason to make fun of him. Who in the world could ever make such a ridiculous comment about Gays in Iran as he did before everybody. And let me say that his comment made fun of us, Iranian, that has (selected) him as the president of our country.
Secondly, I can't see why Bush is added to your argument. Is the fact that Bush is bad make Ahmadinejad better? How does this comparison help your arguments? Probably you haven't seen any of the SNL sketches. They don't have a program without couple of sketches on Bush. Here the media if full of hummer and nobody (typically) take it personally or feel offended. There is no need to feel offended from a hummer because the intent of a hummer wasn’t to offend but to bring in light (or high light) and issue in different proxy.
And last but not least, thanks for putting down your opinion. It worth a lot to hear from the people who don’t agree with you.

P.S.: I love arguments …

Anonymous said...

I didn't watch that scatch! but I want to say hello and add I am engiliSi bilimiram halin yakhchidi ?

Bahareh said...

شین جونم ما خیلی مخلصیم....
کامنترو تو دانشگاه نوشتم و نمی تونستم فارسی بنویسم. ولی کلا استدلالم در راستای کامنت مرضی هاین بود (و بگم که من کلا عاشق بحث و استدلالم) که اولنش به نظر من تو این میوزیکال نه به مذهبی توهین شده نه ملیتی به سخره گرفته شده. من شاید گوشام نمی شنوه یا انگلیسیم محدود بوده که نفهمیدم. روشنم کنید اگه غیر اینه. دومنش اینکه بوش بده چه توفیری تو خوب بودن یا بهتر بودن محمود (به قول مرون 5) داره؟ و سومنش الی آخر...

Bahareh said...

Oops, I meant humor not Hummer

Anonymous said...

سلام بهاره جان

من هم چیری از مذهب توش ندیدم
ولی همین که به ایران میگه آی رن!! یه احساس ناخوشایند به من میده
ولی خوب استدلال میکنی خانومی...
راستی : من اصلا انگیشم خوب نیست مخصوصا لیسنینگم بنا بر این نمیتونم کامل بشنوم . از این که اینها خیلی راحت بوش جک میسارن حال میکنم

فعلا خداحافظ عزیزم و مرسی از جوابت


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